
After the first discovery of exoplanets in 1995 by the Nobel laureates Didier Queloz and Michel Mayor, today we have more than 4000 objects under study and consideration for candidate exoplanets. Many of them have been confirmed while many still await confirmation. This project is a study of the graphical compilation of the data that has been collected since then about the exoplanets and their host stars. The compiled data has been studied by plotting graphs against varied parameters with the help of MATLAB and Python3 and some MS Excel. These graphs were then studied for various patterns and trends and these can act as a comparison to understand the perturbations that might occur in the future as we collect more and more data regarding these planets and their systems. Ranging from periodic orbital periods to migration and tidal locking, various planets have been found to act in peculiar manners in their respective stellar systems. Many papers were studied to understand the dynamics of planet formation and their behaviours around their host stars and what made them the way they are. This goal was achieved by not only observing the trends of the data but also by classifying the stars with respect to their spectral classification. After this was done the data was separately analysed as well to observe what kind of planets have been observed around what kind of stars. The number of planets formed around respective star classes was also observed. It was found that most planets have been observed around G spectral class stars. Finally, our observations and compilations of data taken from exoplanet.eu/catalog/, were put together to make this project. 

We have studied stars and spectral classification, collecting data points of the the star HD094028 from the stellar library and plot its wavelength vs intensity to graph Using MATLAB and then further computed the temperate, radial velocity and redshift of the star which were found to be 6229.57 K, 155.3139 km/s and 5.1 x 10^-4 respectively.

Project Report